Wednesday 29 July 2015

Baku hosts third Int’l Intellectual Games

The third International Festival of the Intellectual Games titled the "Cup of Icherisheher," one of the largest intellectual projects in Azerbaijan, has recently held in the country’s capital.
The Festival was the final stage of the third International "Cup of Icherisheher" tournament and was sponsored by both the Youth Fund under the Azerbaijani President and the “ƏlfəCİN” Project, with support by the Khazar Intellectual Youth Club and Bakcell – the First Mobile Operator and Leading Mobile Internet provider of Azerbaijan.
Games entitled "What? Where? When?" "Brain Ring," and "Your own game" were held during the competition.
Out of 30 teams, the team of Ilya Ber (Russia) became the champion of "What? Where? When?" and went on to win the third Cup of Icherisheher. The team of Balash Kasumov (Azerbaijan) got second place and received silver medals, while the bronze went to the team of Nigar Ibrahimova (Azerbaijan).
The winner of the "Brain Ring" competition was Balash Kasumov’s team (Azerbaijan), while second place went to the team of Aziz Murshudli (Azerbaijan), and the third to the team of Roman Nemuchinsky (Russia).
Many well-known players congregated in Baku to participate in the festival, including players of the "What? Where? When?" Moscow elite club. Boris Levin, club connoisseur was the chairman of the game jury.
The tournament was dominated by expert player Rovshan Askerov.
The first Cup of Icherisheher was held in Baku in August 2013, during which the La Scala team from Saint Petersburg won. The second Cup of Icherisheher was held in Baku in July 2014, where the team of Ilya Ber from Moscow won.
Teams from Baku, Sumgait, Ganja, Qazakh, Mingachevir, Sheki, Zaqatala, Salyan, Jalilabad, Lankaran, Nakhchivan, Quba, Shamakhi, Agjebedi, Ismayilli and Beylaqan have participated in the games.

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