Thursday 30 July 2015

Identity of high-ranking military officials charged with corruption made public

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Azerbaijan has publicized the identity of the high-ranking military officials and what they are charged with.
The Baku Military Court has told APA that senior officers of the Air Forces Department of the Defense Ministry’s Main Military Inspection – Seymur Sahib oglu Aghayev (1974) and Alasger Mail oglu Musayev (1973) – are charged under Article No311.3.1 (Reception of a bribe on preliminary arrangement by group of persons or organized group), and senior officer of the inspection’s planning department, Rovshan Mikayil oglu Mammadli (1976), is charged with reception of large amounts of bribes under Article No311.3.3. A court has sentenced each of these officials to four months’ pretrial detention.
The Defense Ministry said in a statement that the ministry leadership had ordered an investigation carried out into a number of irregularities committed by the 
inspection officials, and the obtained materials had been sent to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan for a legal action against them. 
Based on these materials, the Anti-Corruption Department under General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan has opened a criminal case and an investigation is being carried out. 
“As stated by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, everyone – regardless of their position and previous merits – bears responsibility before the law for the irregularities they commit during the service period,” said the statement,” said the statement. 

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