Wednesday 22 July 2015

Unusual exhibition of Azerbaijani painter Ulviya Musayeva to be held in Rome

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The exhibition of Ulviya Musayeva will be held in Rome on July 17-23. It will involve musicians Ramil Babayev and Ramin Sadikhov.
"We have called this project 'Between color and music'. I paint only under musical accompatiment. Music helps me mediate.
This is our first performance and exhibition abroad. This exhibition will become real owing to our friends Tatyana de Vito from Italy and Rashad Huseynli of Germany. At the exhibition I will present 25-30 pictures and wine bottles painted in national style.
And during the performance which will open the exhibition, I will finger-paint several pictures under the live music of Ramil Babayev and Ramin Sadikhov. I will try to do everything possible for the guests to feel the atmosphere of magic. I hope to glorify Azerbaijan by our unique project", Ulviya said.

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