Thursday 6 August 2015

BBC highlights march for short-wearing in Baku

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Young people have gathered in Azerbaijan's capital city in support of people who want to wear shorts without being judged, BBC reports.
Dozens of shorts-clad youngsters walked along Baku's seafront and around the city's streets on Sunday, according to the news website, which published photos from the event. It was organised by the Flashmob Azerbaijan group on Facebook, and comes only days after an outspoken opposition party leader was quoted as saying that men in shorts should be publicly insulted.
Despite Azerbaijan's soaring summer temperatures, and the fact that Western-style clothing is the norm, wearing shorts is still condemned by many people who think it's only appropriate attire for the beach. The UK Foreign Office advises that donning the garments "can attract unwelcome attention", particularly in areas outside the capital.
Among those commenting on the story, the strongest comments come from a few people who consider shorts to be offensive to Muslims who follow a more conservative dress code. But the vast majority support the young people's choice of clothes, with several pointing out that Azerbaijan is a secular country.

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