Sunday 9 August 2015

Protect yourself from snakebites, scorpion stings

Summer is a great season for outdoor activities like picnics and camping. However, one should always be careful, because exploring and enjoying nature can lead you to stumble into unexpected trouble, such as a chance encounter with a snake or scorpion.
Moreover, the hot summer season is a time when some animals and insects become more active.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations also warns people to be careful while visiting places rich with fauna and flora.
The Transcaucasian viper, steppe viper, copperhead snake, and Asia Minor viper [which is listed in the Red Book of rare Azerbaijani animals and insects], are among the most poisonous snakes that live in the country.
As of July 9, some 34 snakebite cases and four cases of scorpion stings were reported in the country. Most cases of snakebites fall to the country’s capital, Baku, and surrounding settlements.
How to protect yourself from snake and scorpions?
The ministry has revealed some safety measures on how to protect yourself from snakebites and scorpion stings.
While going into forests wear trousers and long rubber or leather boots. Snakes cannot bite through these materials.

Stay away from fallen trees and areas of high grass. Carefully examine rocks before sitting on them.
If you are planning to put up a tent in the forest, then light a fire. Snakes tend to avoid fire and noise.
Upon seeing a snake in front of you do not run or make sudden movements. Without turning your back to it, slowly step a back. If you do not bother them, they will not hurt you.
Know how to distinguish poisonous snakes from non-toxic ones. Dangerous snakes usually tend to be shiny and colorful.
If you are resting in the outdoors, shake your bed sheet, clothes, and boots often to avoid any scorpions that might be lingering near you.
Scorpions often hide under the surface of sand, which is why you should not walk barefoot in sand.
First aid for snakebites or scorpion sting
Try to keep the snakebite victim still, as movement helps the venom spread through the body. Wash the wound with water.
Take a broad bandage and bind along the limb starting at the bite area.
Do not suck the poison out with your mouth and do not apply a tourniquet to a snakebite.
Keep the victim warm, calm, and at rest, and transport him or her immediately to medical care. Do not allow him to eat or drink anything.
In case of emergency, call 112.

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