Wednesday 5 August 2015

Follow your dreams, gain irreplacable status at job

Have you ever wondered how to become an employee your boss simply cannot afford to lose?
In such a competitive economy and high unemployment levels, becoming good at what you do is an absolute must. You need to become irreplaceable at your place of work.
From an employer's perspective finding the right person to do the job amid so many hopeful candidates can be a daunting task - finding the one can be difficult indeed, the one individual who will show commitment, passion and dedication.
Many people perhaps are worried about their future amid frequent staff cuts. Building one's confidence can be challenging.
A highly skilled and experienced employee indeed enjoys a privileged position in any company and is less exposed to a contract cancellation.
How to achieve this blessed status of "professional nirvana"? Over the past few months, this very question has been on the forefront of many conversations, especially since no one appears to be immune to downsizing. Even successful companies are shrinking their work force.
One main important point to consider when attempting to become indispensable, one needs to ensure that his or her work has become absolutely key to the running of the company.
One needs also to look for ways to increase efficiency and professionalism on all levels and thus bringing success to the company.
If you already have a job you love and intend to stay out then look for ways to climb the career ladder while making a strong impression on your boss and thus ensure that you will never face the chop.
A good way to show your value is to keep your boss in the loop about your accomplishments and headways. Email the boss a list of your accomplishments to illustrate your performance and dedication. However, this email needs to be done tactfully to avoid appearing boastful.
Furthermore, being exceptionally productive can help set you apart from the rest.
Help co-workers whenever possible as being a good team player will only win you praise and create a positive atmosphere around you. Moreover, helping co-workers could help you learn new skills and display hidden talents.
It is also important to become an expert in a specific area of your department. After you’ve settled into your job, its atmosphere and have become more familiar with your company, identify the type of experts your company needs. Pay more attention to areas that seek improvement or stronger leadership, and begin building your skills around that area of expertise.
Once you’ve developed your skills and gained more experience, position yourself as the go-to person for that area. This will turn you into an even more valuable resource for your employer and make it more difficult to replace you.
Finally, the most important value is to be pleasant. Make yourself someone that others want to be around. Being a likeable employee means displaying your unfeigned character, being friendly and easily approachable at work.
With this in mind become best employee you can be!

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