Saturday 1 August 2015

Azerbaijan reveals reason of declaring German Sterligov internationally wanted

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Hikmet Hajiyev: Sterligov’s hiding in the occupied territories evading his responsibility, once again proves that there is a fertile environment for crimes in those territories
“German Sterligov and his Armenian lawyers once again demonstrated their legal illiteracy. The criminal case was launched on German Sterligov, who committed illegal crimes in sovereign territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, under articles # 281.2 (public calls against the state) and 318.2 (illegally crossing state border of the Republic of Azerbaijan) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, he was sentenced to pre-trial detention and declared internationally wanted,” said spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hikmet Hajiyev, APA reports.
“German Sterligov is a citizen of the Russian Federation and full member of Russia’s Interpol. Interpol is an intergovernmental international organization having the status of international organization since 1956.
German Sterligov mainly visits Armenia and Russia, the member countries of Interpol, and taking into account this factor he was declared wanted via Interpol.
The regime of occupation, which has been clearly defined by the international law and international humanitarian law, exists in Azerbaijan's territories occupied by Armenia. The occupation of those territories by Armenia is reflected in the documents adopted by international organizations, as well as the UN Security Council relevant resolutions and the judgment issued by the European Court of Human Rights on the case of Chiragov and Others v. Armenia”, he stressed.
H.Hajiyev mentioned that hiding of G.Sterligov, who was charged with specific offenses and sentenced to pre-trial detention, in the occupied territories evading his responsibility, once again proves that there is a fertile environment for crimes in those territories.

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