Sunday 2 August 2015


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Khalva refers to many types of dense, sweet confections, served across the Middle East, West Asia, Central Asia.
Peshvenk khalva is a traditional sweet, prepared in Azerbaijan, made by sugar powder, rice flour and with melted butter. Citric acid gives unique taste to this meal.

Preparation time: 15 min
Cooking time: 35 min
Serves: 4-5

  • 700 g/1 lb 12 oz rice flour
  • 350 g/14 oz sugar powder
  • 50 g/2 oz melted butter
  • few citric acid
  • Prepare syrup from sugar powder, add citric acid and boil away to obtain the caramel mass. ( 3- 4 % moisture content) . Pour the caramel mass on a buttered frying pan, cool down to 45-55 C and stretch by hands until it becomes complete white. Brown rice flour in butter for 25-30 min to obtain white – yellowish color. Mix the browned flour with the mass and go on stretching until complete mixing . Shape the ready peshvenk as long loaves and cool.

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