Sunday 2 August 2015


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Shaker-pendir is traditional Azerbaijan sweet with classical marmalade taste.
Azerbaijan cuisine is rich with sweets and pastries. one of the most delicious sweets is shaker pendir. With molasses, sugar powder and vanilla saker-pendir has marvelous taste.

Preparation time: 10 min
Cooking time: 25 min
Serves: 4-5

  • 825 g/1 lb 14 oz sugar powder
  • 250 g/10 oz molasses
  • a drop of vanilla
  • Put sugar powder and pour water into a cauldron, boil away for 8-10 minutes at 105-11 C. then add molasses and boil away syrup to obtain a mean caramel sample (3-3.5 moisture content). Place the ready caramel mass on a marble table (or in a buttered frying-pan), cool down to 70-80 C and add vanilla. Knead the mass and stretch by hands until it becomes complete white. Carry out the further treatment on a sugar-powder wooden table. Roll the caramel mass in a lond loaf and cut by scissors into slant-shaped bon-bon.

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